September Event

Wednesday September 25, 2019 12:00 PM

21st Century Peace Keepers has invited us to their training facility on September 25 at noon.  Dave Vallely has offered to host this event and spoke about having some clays for a shotgun shoot.  Please RSVP and join us.

Directions to the range are as follows:
North on 13 past Bolivar – about 4 miles
Turn right (east) on B (Signs on 13 Highway read BB/B)
Turn left (north) on O (about quarter mile from B)
In the big town of Cliquot turn right (east) on 385th Road
Go over the low water bridge and through the S curve
Almost at the top of the hill on the left will be the entrance – look for large boulders on either side of green metal double gate
891 E. 385th Road
A red firearms safety flag will be on the front gate
Once past the gate follow the orange cones and road to the range building. Parking is to the right (west) of the building.

If you have problems finding it call David Vallely with Peacekeepers, 417-425-4243

Thank you,

Nick Rasey
Manager-Physical Security
O: 417.831.8616

RSVP deadline is past